Ask real experts

Ask medical experts your health questions online: Individually. Personally.

How does that work?

Ask medical experts your personal question.

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Open the digital chat function, which allows you to easily ask your question.

Fragen an echte Experten im MedWatcher stellen

Ask a question

Regardless of whether it's medication, side effects, or side effects — ask what interests you.

Get an answer

Get an individual answer to your question quickly from medical experts.

Deine Gesundheit. Deine Frage.
Your advantage

Your health.
Your question.

Everyone has searched for symptoms on Google before, but how often did that lead to more uncertainty than clarity? With brite's expert chat feature, you'll get answers from real medical experts who address your specific needs. No general facts that might unsettle you. Real, well-founded and personal answers that really help you.

Expert chat

Reliable answers from real experts.

Verlässliche Antworten von echten Experten.

Why should I ask experts?

Anyone can share their opinion with you online. However, not everyone has the know-how needed to provide you with reliable and secure answers. Don't leave your health to chance, but rely on medical experts.

Personal answers to your questions

Large pool of experts
